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Don’t Forget to Play Dress-up, Mystique Collection

Don’t Forget to Play Dress-up, Mystique Collection

September 13, 2021

Mystique Collection turns your child's Fairy-Tale Princess dreams into reality. Showcasing numerous gowns that will certainly make them the star of any party. Our girl dresses are not only for the Princesses. They are for the Flower Girls in a wedding party and even First Communion! They are for anyone who just wants to play dress-up or have a tea party from the comfort of their home. Mystique is for the playful, the beauty queens, and the little girls with BIG DREAMS. Below are a couple of our featured picks. Please enjoy and remember, each dress is handmade with love and grace. 

The Kotys


The Bianca


The Arya



The Romee

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